Natalia Rossingol

Freelance Writer

Natalia's passion is reading, and writing is her addiction. A teacher and translator in the past, now she reviews management books, exploring the secrets of successful business and ways of self-improvement.

Sep 5, 2024
Project & Resource Management

How to Create a Project Delivery Timeline

Keep all your ducks in a row! 🦆🦆🦆 Get everyone on the same page and primed to hit deadlines by creating a project delivery timeline.

Sep 2, 2024

How to Elevate Team Communication for Better Collaboration

You can't have positive, productive workplaces without solid team communication. But great communication won't happen by accident - it has to be intentional.

Aug 29, 2024

How to Deal with a Difficult Employee (+ Different Scenarios & Solutions)

Is thinking about how to deal with a difficult employee making you break out in a cold sweat? Take a deep breath...we're here to help you with this challenge.

Aug 26, 2024
Project & Resource Management

What is Revenue per Employee & How to Track It

Get a better picture of the financial health of your company by determining your revenue per employee.

Aug 15, 2024

Sweeten the Deal: 9 Tips to Help You Retain Talent in Your Business

Don't lose your MVPs to your competitors! Stay ahead of the crowd and make retaining talent a top priority for your business.

Jul 31, 2024

Project Management vs. Resource Management: Getting the Facts Straight

Project management vs resource management: two names for the same thing - or fundamentally different practices? Dig into the facts, and decide for yourself.

Jul 25, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Vendor Management: A Guide to Building Strong Supplier Relationships

No organization is an island! In complex businesses, where service delivery depends on working with a network of third parties, vendor management is essential.

Jul 23, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Stay Interviews: A Guide for Resource Managers

Are stay interviews the secret to retaining the best talent? Let's explore this method for creating open dialogue and constructive feedback.

Jul 10, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Right Person, Right Project, Right Time: The Importance of Resource Allocation

If you want to enjoy successful, profitable projects (and who doesn't?), you can't ignore the importance of resource allocation.

Jul 5, 2024
Project & Resource Management

A Guide to the Contingent Workforce: Navigating the New Normal

Organizations are increasingly turning to contractors to staff their projects. So, if the contingent workforce is the new normal, what do we need to know?

Jun 27, 2024
Project & Resource Management

What is Staff Allocation? (A Primer with Examples)

Sound staff allocation decisions are an essential step towards project success - it's all about getting the right people, in the right place, at the right time!

Jun 25, 2024

11 Essential Leadership Skills & How to Develop Them

We've all worked with leaders who are good at what they do. But what leadership skills make the truly exceptional leaders stand out even among the best?

Jun 25, 2024
Project & Resource Management

How to Improve Team Efficiency for a Happier, More Productive Workplace

A happy, cohesive team is bigger than the sum of its parts. That's why improving team efficiency is worth the time and effort.

Jun 13, 2024

Understand & Improve Team Workload Management

Keeping team workloads balanced can feel a bit like herding cats. Luckily, there are tricks and tools you can use to improve team workload management.

May 28, 2024

Why You Need to Add Job Shadowing to Your Staff Management Toolkit

From upskilling, to relationship building, to leveling up your understanding of the technical work that goes on in your company, job shadowing is a great tool.

May 27, 2024

Efficiency vs. Effectiveness: Which Should You Prioritize as a Manager?

Will you see better outcomes if you value efficiency over effectiveness? Let's explore the differences between these priorities and see how they impact results.

May 22, 2024
Future of Work

I Listened to 30 Leadership Podcasts. Here Are My Favorites.

Listening to leadership podcasts can help us fit learning and development into our busy lives. These are our recommendations for the best podcasts out there!

May 20, 2024
Book Club

The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team: Book Summary

If something feels a bit "off" with how your team works together, The 5 Dysfunctions of a Team is the book for you. Our summary will help you get to the bottom of those tricky interpersonal dynamics before they escalate.

Apr 23, 2024
Project & Resource Management

29 Vital Business Objectives That Can Help You Measure Success (+ Examples)

Running a business is a marathon, not a sprint! Stay on course to achieve long-term success by tracking specific, measurable business objectives.

Apr 23, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Unlocking Change: 11 Steps to a Successful Change Management Process

Organizational change is hard, but it's not impossible. The key to change that sticks? A well-implemented, successful change management process.

Apr 22, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Connect the Dots with Project Master Schedules

Are project timings are a source of confusion and conflict for your team? Shine a light on the plans and demystify deadlines with a project master schedule.

Apr 18, 2024

What is a Team Agreement + the 9 Steps to Create One

Don't skimp on setting standards and expectations. A solid team agreement can help people stick together even when the going gets tough.

Mar 28, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Beyond Busyness: Why it's Time to Rethink Multitasking

Is multitasking a desirable skill, or a drain on your productivity? Let's dive into the research about multitasking - the results are sure to surprise you.

Mar 26, 2024

How to Break the Habit of Micromanagement

Do you struggle to trust your team, find it difficult to delegate, and try to control every outcome? You might be in the habit of micromanaging your team.

Mar 21, 2024
Project & Resource Management

Breaking Down Roles & Responsibilities: A RACI Chart Primer

Looking for a clear, visual way to get project stakeholders on the same page with roles and responsibilities? A RACI chart might just be the tool you need.

Mar 13, 2024
Project & Resource Management

What Does a Program Manager Do?

Program managers are experts at negotiating complexity and driving success. Let's explore what program managers do and why this crucial role is so exciting.

Feb 27, 2024
Future of Work

What is Inclusive Leadership & How to Get it Right

Inclusive leadership practices have the potential to transform organizations into powerhouses of innovation and opportunity. Let's explore how.

Feb 20, 2024
Future of Work

What is a Distributed Workforce?

Forward-thinking organizations increasingly choose to maintain a distributed workforce. So, let's explore what this means, and how you can benefit from this model.

Feb 15, 2024

What is a Team Charter? The Complete Guide

Teams have the potential to be greater than the sum of their parts, so get everyone aligned and working well together with a team charter.

Jan 18, 2024
Future of Work

From Rigid to Fluid: The Rise of the Liquid Workforce

The concept of a liquid workforce has emerged as a response to the changing dynamics of the modern workplace. Here's what it's all about.

Jan 16, 2024
Book Club

Drive by Daniel Pink: Book Summary Part by Part

Discover the surprising factors that truly drive workplace motivation in our insightful summary of "Drive" by Daniel Pink.

Jan 15, 2024
Project & Resource Management

What is a Staff Manager? Key Roles & Responsibilities

Time to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of your team? Hiring a staffing manager can be a good starting point. Here's what the role involves.

Jan 9, 2024
Future of Work

The Power of Psychological Safety in Building a Supportive and Safe Workplace

Want to transform your workplace into a hub of trust, openness, and innovation? Discover the incredible power of psychological safety and how to embody it.

Jan 3, 2024
Project & Resource Management

13 Ways to Enhance Productivity at Work

Wondering how to be more productive at work? Here are 13 actionable tips that will help you use your time wisely and efficiently.

Jan 3, 2024
Project & Resource Management

10 Game-Changing Work Habits to Propel You Forward

Transform your work routine with these proven work habits and join the ranks of those who work smarter, not harder.

Dec 12, 2023
Book Club

Essentialism by Greg McKeown: A Book Summary Part by Part

Learn what Essentialism is all about and become an Essentialist yourself - discerning what truly matters and eliminating the non-essential.

Dec 12, 2023
Project & Resource Management

12 Agile Values & Principles Advanced by the Agile Manifesto

Agile principles serve as the cornerstone of the Agile methodology. Learn all about them in our guide.

Dec 12, 2023
Project & Resource Management

Productivity vs Efficiency: Clearing Up the Confusion

Are you productive or efficient? Learn the difference between productivity and efficiency with formulas and examples in our guide.

Dec 12, 2023
Book Club

9 Books on Managing People & Their Summaries

People are at the heart of any organization, and effective management is the linchpin for success. Here's a collection of nine essential books to improve it.

Dec 12, 2023
Project & Resource Management

The Power of Agile Leadership

As industries undergo rapid transformations, the need for leadership that can effectively steer through uncertainty becomes paramount. Agile leadership has emerged as a beacon of adaptability, emphasizing flexibility, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Nov 21, 2023

Leading from Within: A Guide to Self-Managed Teams

Want to build and support a self-managed team that calls the shots? Here's all you need to know about getting a self-managing team to a great start.

Nov 16, 2023
Project & Resource Management

Getting Things Done (GTD) Method - And 5 Steps to Apply it

There's one universal method to get things done, and it works! Learn how to apply it properly and zip through your tasks quickly.

Nov 16, 2023

4 Different Work Styles & How to Find Yours

How do you approach your tasks, interact with your colleagues, and fix problems? Most likely, you represent a specific work style.

Nov 16, 2023
Future of Work

What is Toxic Productivity & How to Break Free

Productivity can be toxic, and it better not be. Learn why it's unhealthy and how to break free from toxic productivity.

Oct 11, 2023
Future of Work

The Power of Transparency in Business

Modern organizations embrace transparency in business, knowing that it's a vital way to earn the respect of customers, win over investors, and satisfy employees.

Sep 26, 2023
Future of Work

What Makes a Good Manager: 5 Essential Qualities

Good managers have five qualities in common that are shaping the present and the future of work. Here's where to upskill.

Sep 21, 2023
Book Club

15 Best Productivity Books to Read Your Way to Success

Looking to increase your productivity, but don't know where to start? Learn the nitty-gritty from the best books in the productivity space.

Aug 31, 2023

Key Management Skills & How to Develop Them

As the expectations on managers evolve, what are the key management skills you should focus on developing? Let's take a look.

Aug 28, 2023

What is Team Cohesion & How to Achieve it

Dealing with disconnected teams? Learn more about team cohesion to make sure your team stays united and works in harmony.

Aug 28, 2023

5 Different Types of Teams & Their Role in the Organization

Learn how to organize your teams better with our guide on five common types of teams, how they work, and their pros and cons.

Aug 21, 2023
Project & Resource Management

What We've Learned from 1,000 Conversations With Resource Managers

Three pivotal resource management lessons Nicole and Tim learned from talking to over 1,000 resource managers over the past five years.

Aug 14, 2023
Project & Resource Management

Time Management Skills 101: Core Skills to Help Manage Your Schedule

Time - it's our most precious resource, and we never have enough of it. Fortunately, we can develop core time management skills to make the most of what we have.

Aug 8, 2023
Project & Resource Management

12 Effective Time Management Techniques for Busy People

Some people seem like naturals at staying on top of their priorities. But often it's not innate talent - it's learnt skill. You too can learn time management techniques to help you get the important stuff done, every time.

Jul 27, 2023
Future of Work

Servant Leadership: Empowering People for Business Excellence

Does success and fulfilment as a team leader come from serving others? The servant leadership style is based on the belief that the best leaders put their people first.

Jul 10, 2023
Future of Work

Leadership vs. Management: Fundamental Differences You Need to Know

Is every manager a leader? And does every leader have to be a manager? You decide, as we break down the differences between leadership vs. management.

Jul 6, 2023
Project & Resource Management

9 Management Styles Decoded: When to Be a Mentor, Coach, or Visionary

Different challenges in the workplace require different management styles. Here's the classification of widely known styles and when it's best to use them.

Jun 29, 2023
Project & Resource Management

How to Use the 4 Ds of Time Management: A Quick Guide

Feeling always busy and overloaded, but not necessarily productive? Enter 4 Ds of time management to prioritize your tasks accordingly.

Jun 29, 2023
Project & Resource Management

The 4 Functions of Management: A Deep Dive

New to management? Learn about the four functions of management - planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Jun 27, 2023

Why Respect in the Workplace is a Non-Negotiable

Here's what respect in the workplace contributes to and why it's more important than you think for your people and your bottom line.

Jun 27, 2023
Future of Work

Beyond the Grind: The Transformational Impact of Work-Life Balance

Work-life balance can get you a long way. Here's why it's important and what benefits you can expect once you've reached a happy medium.

Jun 26, 2023

What is Open Communication & Why it Matters in the Workplace

Open communication is a pillar of successful organizations. Learn why it matters and how to communicate openly in our short, no-nonsense guide.

Jun 26, 2023

Thriving Together: How to Build a Strong Team Culture

Being complex and unpredictable by nature, team culture poses quite a few challenges for leaders. Learn how to get it right with our guide to thriving together.

May 30, 2023

Choosing Wisely: 5 Effective Decision-Making Models for Better Results

Not using decision-making models, you're leaving your future to chance. Unlock the secrets of successful decision-making models today.

May 18, 2023
Future of Work

What is Holacracy & How Can it Transform the Workplace?

Time to depart from dated management hierarchies? Holacracy is a new model for innovative, democratic organizations. Could it be right for your business?

May 16, 2023
Project & Resource Management

The Psychology of Workload Paralysis & How to Beat It

Overwhelmed by tasks? Discover how workload paralysis affects productivity and learn effective strategies to break free.

Apr 25, 2023
Future of Work

Teal Organizations - Say What? (The Definition, Pillars & Examples)

Looking to create more innovative, purposeful, and soulful businesses? Get inspired by Teal Organizations and start re-inventing yours.

Apr 17, 2023
Future of Work

From Suspicion to Collaboration: How to Build Trust in the Workplace

Trust is the foundation of a thriving workplace culture. Learn why it's important and how to develop it in our ultimate guide.

Apr 14, 2023
Future of Work

What is Humanocracy, According to Hary Gamel & Michele Zanini

Discover the power of humanocracy - a revolutionary organizational approach that unleashes human potential, empowers innovation, and drives meaningful change.

Mar 28, 2023

Dare to Disagree: Why Productive Conflict is Necessary in the Workplace

Disagreeing doesn't have to be counterproductive. Learn how productive conflict can strengthen the relationship in the workplace.

Mar 16, 2023
Book Club

The Fearless Organization: Book Summary 

Teams willing to speak up are not only fearless, but they are also more successful. Learn what it takes in the summary of "The Fearless Organization".

Mar 9, 2023
Future of Work

The Management Spectrum: Comparing Top Down & Bottom Up Approaches

How does top-down management compare to the bottom-up approach? How do you know which one is best in your business or department? Learn all there's to know in our comparison guide.

Feb 22, 2023
Future of Work

Don't Underestimate Empathetic Leadership: Here's Why

Are you a leader looking to improve team morale and productivity? Learn how empathetic leadership can transform your workforce.

Jan 24, 2023
Book Club

Making Things Happen - A 15-Minute Summary for Project Managers

What does it take for project managers to actually "make things happen"? Learn all the ins and outs of successful project management in our book summary.

Jan 17, 2023
Book Club

23 Best Management Books & Their Summaries

Management can be tough, but you can learn your way through it with practice. If you need theory, this list of top management books and their summaries will help.

Jan 17, 2023

5 Stages of Team Development, According to Tuckman

Every group goes through a series of stages in order to evolve. And while there are plenty of examples we could pull from our own experiences, here's one more: the Tuckman model of group development.

Jan 17, 2023

7 Models of Team Effectiveness to Follow in 2024

Do you want to facilitate a more productive work culture? See how your team matches up against these seven team effectiveness models.

Jan 5, 2023
Book Club

The Manager’s Path: A Chapter-by-Chapter Summary

Get key takeaways and actionable tips from each chapter of "The Manager's Path", making it easy to apply the lessons learned to your own management style.

Jan 5, 2023
Project & Resource Management

What is a Resource Allocator? Role & Examples

Learn about the role of resource allocators in managing and distributing resources within an organization. Find out how they ensure efficient resource use.

Dec 19, 2022
Project & Resource Management

10 Managerial Roles, According to Mintzberg

Learn about the different managerial roles identified by renowned management theorist Henry Mintzberg, including interpersonal, informational, and decisional roles.

Dec 5, 2022
Book Club

Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg: A 13-Minute Summary

Read why and how women can lean in instead of leaning back in a summary of a famous book by Facebook's COO - Sheryl Sandberg.

Nov 25, 2022
Book Club

Built to Last by Jim Collins: A 14-Minute Summary

What habits do visionary companies share to achieve success? Find out in our chapter-by-chapter summary of Built to Last by Jim Collins.

Nov 14, 2022
Book Club

Emotional Intelligence by Goleman: A 16-Minute Summary Part by Part

Learn how to become an emotionally intelligent leader in our summary of Daniel Goleman's iconic book "Emotional Intelligence."

Oct 31, 2022
Project & Resource Management

8 Challenges Facing Consulting Post Pandemic

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic led to a shift in traditional consulting models, which made consulting face new challenges and come up with new ideas.

Oct 26, 2022
Book Club

Our Iceberg is Melting: A Ten Minute Summary

It's easier to relate to a fable than a theory. That's why this summary of Our Iceberg is Melting - on the surface, a little story about penguins - is packed full of vital change management lessons.

Oct 24, 2022

Who Moved My Cheese Summary - Learn Typical Reactions to Change

Discover why you shouldn't resist change and how to embrace it with our summary of "Who Moved My Cheese" by Dr. Spencer Johnson.

Oct 24, 2022
Book Club

The One Minute Manager Summary

While there are no shortcuts to becoming an effective manager, there's a book that can point you in the right direction. Read our summary of a classic - "The One Minute Manager" by Ken Blanchard.

Sep 27, 2022
Book Club

The First 90 Days - Summary & Tips for (New) Leaders

If you're a newly promoted leader or want to become one, this book summary is for you. The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins will prepare you for the journey ahead.

Sep 27, 2022
Book Club

Good to Great - A Summary to Make a Leap Yourself

What sets great companies from the rest? Read on and get the answers with our summary of Good to Great by Jim Collins.

Sep 26, 2022
Book Club

Brave New Work: Summary & Key Takeaways for Evolutionary Organizations

Unlearn the old scientific habits of managing work and become an evolutionary organization with our summary of Brave New Work by Aaron Dignan.

Sep 12, 2022
Book Club

Measure What Matters - A Book Summary to Ace OKRs

Are you ready to make your team’s goals more meaningful? With our summary of Measure What Matters by John Doerr, you'll learn how to implement the OKR system for any team or organization.

Aug 29, 2022
Book Club

Dare to Lead: A Summary Part by Part

We all want to be leaders. But what does it take to be a good one? Learn how to lead from a place of compassion and empathy with a book summary of Dare to Lead by Brene Brown.

Aug 17, 2022
Book Club

Start Small with the Summary of Atomic Habits 

Not sure how to change your habits or build new ones? We have the perfect book summary for you. In Atomic Habits, James Clear shows us how to build habits that stick.

Aug 16, 2022
Book Club

The Checklist Manifesto Summary: 8 Lessons by Atul Gawande

To focus on the big picture, we need to remember small things in life. The summary of The Checklist Manifesto by Atul Gawande will help you get it right.

Aug 12, 2022
Book Club

Thinking, Fast and Slow: a Ten Minute Summary

Required reading for anyone interested in how we think! In this summary of Thinking, Fast and Slow, we'll dive into the concepts that have made Daniel Kahneman's book an absolute classic of modern psychology.

Jul 29, 2022
Book Club

Get Every Dialogue Right with the Summary of Crucial Conversations

We've all had those awkward conversations that we wish we could forget. But it doesn't have to repeat. Learn how to have difficult, emotionally-charged conversations with our summary of Crucial Conversations.

Jul 20, 2022
Book Club

Peopleware: 10 Minute Book Summary

Can software engineering woes be solved by focusing on people, not tech? This book summary of “Peopleware: Productive Projects and Teams” will help you decide for yourself!

Jul 12, 2022
Book Club

The Phoenix Project: 10 Minute Summary

Is it possible for an IT team to transform their way of working, and save their company in the process? This summary of "The Phoenix Project" is going to take you through the key learnings from their experience.

Jul 5, 2022
Book Club

The Culture Code: Summarized in 10 Minutes

What's the secret sauce that helps effective teams perform so well? That's the concept that Daniel Coyle wanted to explore in his book, "The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups”. Our summary will take you through the key points he discovered.

Jun 24, 2022
Book Club

Team Topologies Summary - A Faster Way to Making Your Teams Click

Start organizing your teams the right way with our summary of Team Topologies by Manuel Pais and Matthew Skelton.

Jun 23, 2022
Project & Resource Management

Skills vs Competencies: What's What

Do you know the difference between skills and competencies? Here's how to tell them apart to improve your skills management process.