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Libby Marks

What is Resource Booking? An Explainer

Resource booking is about matching the right people to the right projects at the right time – to achieve productivity, profit, and positive outcomes.

Before we talk resource booking, let’s talk about efficient resource management.

When people think about resources, they often think of raw materials. Resource booking and management are easier to understand in those terms. 

Think about a manufacturing business. It’s clear you need to be careful with your resources to make a profit. You don’t want to order too many materials and spend too much. And you want to process your materials carefully so there’s minimal wastage.

But when it comes to human resources, people don’t always think the same way. However, managing human resources effectively is just as critical. It is equally easy to overspend and underutilize your workforce. 

Just like with raw materials, your people are already paid for. To maximize profitability – and productivity and client satisfaction – you need to carefully combine them to get the most value from their time.

This requires planning and precise management – a process known as resource booking.

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What is resource booking?

Resource booking is the process of scheduling and allocating human resources to projects and tasks within an organization. It’s about assigning the right people to the right tasks at the right time to optimize project outcomes – and is a key tenet of successful project management.

Sometimes called resource scheduling, resource booking is most relevant to project-based and professional service firms, which create dynamic project teams from their wider workforce. But it is growing in popularity with traditional businesses too, as they realize the productivity benefits of more flexible workforce composition. 

Resource booking is concerned with:

  • Forecasting project needs accurately
  • Understanding resource requirements
  • Assigning the optimum combination of human resources to achieve specific objectives

By putting the right people in the right place at the right time, resource booking:

  • Maximizes productivity and profitability
  • Avoids preventable project delays
  • Reduces project risk

But these aren’t the only goals of effective resource scheduling. It can also be used to identify and provide stretch assignments for junior employees, to support your upskilling and workforce development agenda. 

And it is invaluable for balancing workloads to prevent burnout and improve employee satisfaction and retention. 

The importance of resource booking in project management

Businesses invest a lot of money in their resources, so it’s essential to maximize the return on that investment. 

Without resource booking, projects can be hampered by: 

  • Resource clashes and conflicts (that cause delays)
  • Inaccurate forecasts and inadequate budgets (meaning lower profit margins)
  • Stressed, overstretched staff (or bored staff sitting on the bench) 
  • Difficulty getting the people and skills you need

Conversely, with resource booking, project managers benefit from:

  • A structured framework to forecast resource demand and request them
  • Confidence that they have the people they need, when they need them
  • Insights into project and resourcing risks so they can mitigate them
  • More control over their schedule, budget, and profitability

9 biggest benefits of resource booking 

  1. Manage risk – By monitoring resource availability and workload, you can anticipate and address issues such as skill shortages, overbooking, or potential conflicts before they impact the project
  2. Enhance efficiency – Effective resource booking ensures the right people with the right skills are assigned to the right tasks, meaning more efficient project delivery and lower risk of overruns
  3. Maximize utilization – By carefully planning and scheduling, you can avoid underutilization or overworking your talent – which keeps them happy, productive, and engaged 
  4. Reduce costs – Resource booking avoids unnecessary costs resulting from poor planning – like hiring additional temporary staff or paying for overtime. It also reduces the likelihood of costly project delays
  5. Delight clients – Accurate resource booking delivers better results for clients by assigning appropriately skilled people, at the right time and cost
  6. Increase capacity – Resource booking data can reveal skills and resource shortages that need addressing, helping you improve future capacity and capabilities 
  7. Improve forecasting – Resource schedule data also help make future project forecasts more accurate, so you can avoid nasty surprises
  8. Develop employees – Effective resource booking can be used to upskill employees by strategically assigning stretch tasks, as well as increase engagement by matching allocations to individual interests
  9. Prioritize resources – Visual tools and data allow you to prioritize resources effectively, ensuring that the most critical tasks and projects receive the attention they need

Common resource booking challenges

Despite the many benefits of resource booking, lots of businesses don’t – or can’t – do it. Projects are dynamic. Allocations aren’t always clear. Here are a few challenges you’ll need to overcome to ace your resource allocations. 

Managing multiple projects 

Allocating resources to multiple projects is highly complex. You need to distribute resources between different projects – often interdependent projects – without causing any delays or disruption. You need a clear way to visualize all projects and allocations if you want to avoid conflicts, prioritization problems, and confusion. 

Unforeseen changes and scope creep

Projects are often subject to changes in scope, timelines, and requirements. This disrupts your original resource plan and can have knock-on effects for other projects too. You’ll need a way to respond fast and accurately to project changes, so you can reallocate resources and reduce risk. 

Limited resources 

Obviously, another big challenge is having limited resources, especially people with the most in-demand skills. This can lead to project delays and missed opportunities. You need a way to allocate resources to the highest-priority projects. Plus, information on resource utilization to inform future hiring and training decisions.

Using the wrong tools

We’ve dedicated our careers to creating the best software for managing resources, so we hate to see businesses struggling with unfit tools like spreadsheets. Resource planning in Excel isn’t scalable, sustainable, or sensible for anything more than a dozen resources. It’ll cost you time, clarity, and accuracy :-(    

Before Runn, we used spreadsheets for project planning, tracking resource availability, capacity planning…everything.  Understanding all the different spreadsheets floating about becomes a problem. It was a total headache to look at the spreadsheet and try to answer even basic questions like, when's that project finishing? Is there a placeholder here? Who's it for?" - Nick Boni, Director of Digital, Lola Tech  

Read how Lola Tech solved their resource growing pains with Runn ➡️

Resource booking: what you’ll need

While there are challenges to overcome, they’re not insurmountable. You simply need to put in a little groundwork and you’ll be ready to book resources with clarity and confidence. Here’s what you need to get started with resource scheduling:

Centralized list of resources

The first thing you need for effective resource booking is a centralized list of all of your resources. To optimize your allocations and minimize idle time, you need to know all of the resources available to you – it’s called talent discoverability.  

Your central resource pool should include information on:

  • Their name and job title
  • Their location and team 
  • Their skills and expertise
  • Their cost to the business
  • Their career development goals

This will help you match people to tasks based on their knowledge, their ability to deliver great project outcomes, whether they’re within budget, and whether the project matches their ambitions. 

Which helps ensure your project is staffed by skilled, cost-effective, engaged resources, ready to do great work. 

Runn allows you to add custom information fields to your resources, so you can easily filter and find people based on the details that matter in your organization

Accurate data

Of course, it isn’t just skills and interests that matter. Another key aspect of resource booking is matching opportunity to availability. 

Resource booking relies on having accurate, comprehensive data on every team member’s allocations, capacity, and forthcoming leave. This lets project managers understand exactly who’s available and can take on the tasks at hand.  

Live, real-time data is essential. Project schedules, scope, and staffing change frequently. If your data is out-of-date, you might book resources based on old information. This could mean your chosen resources aren’t actually available or that your project will push them over-capacity. This poses a risk to both the project and your people.  

When the whole point of resource booking is optimizing outcomes, you need optimal inputs. And that means live resource data, not static information stagnating in spreadsheets. 

Visual tools

Most people find data easier to understand when it’s presented visually rather than rows of data. For faster resource scheduling, you’ll ideally have:

  • Resource calendar – Provides a visual overview of resource allocations and availability, helping to spot conflicts and balance workloads
  • Capacity heatmaps – Displays resource utilization with color coding to highlight periods of high or low capacity, making it easy to identify overuse or underuse
  • Utilization dashboards – Shows key metrics related to resource use and productivity, so leaders can make data-informed decisions about resource risk and opportunities 
  • Resource allocation charts – Illustrates how resources are distributed across projects and tasks, facilitating adjustments to meet project demands
A capacity chart in Runn

Resource management software

A dedicated resource management system isn’t required for better resource booking. But it makes the process faster and more accurate. So instead of poring over unreliable spreadsheets for hours – or even days – you can see and optimize allocations in minutes. 

Resource management tools like Runn are designed to increase your visibility into resources, their skills and allocations, so you can easily search, select, and drag people into projects. Intuitive data visualization also reports capacity and clashes at-a-glance so you know when to take on more work… or more people.

The capacity planning we had done in Excel had taken weeks. When we did that same work in Runn, it was completed in two days."- Cindy Tan, General Manager of IT Planning, TPG Telecom 

Read how TPG Telecom manages 600 resources effortlessly in Runn ➡️

Getting started with resource booking using Runn

Runn is a purpose-built resource management platform – designed by project managers FOR project managers. Invest a short amount of time setting up your projects and resources in Runn and reap the benefits of fast, accurate, data-informed scheduling. 

Here’s how to get started with resource booking using Runn. 

  1. Audit current resources – Start by auditing your current resources including their skills, experience, cost to the business, ambitions, etc. 
  2. Create a central resource calendar – Centralize this information in your resource calendar. Add their work pattern, hours, and current allocations for an up-to-date understanding of capacity
  3. Assess business priorities – This will help inform resource and project prioritization, to make sure top tasks get the top talent  
  4. Develop a resource request process – Create a standardized resource request workflow to create an equitable approach that allows for projects and resources to be prioritized
  5. Schedule your projects – Quickly set up your projects in Runn with fast project scheduling, so you can see what’s on your plate and start scheduling resources 
  6. Train your team – Train anyone responsible for booking resources on your new system and procedures, as well as the importance of effective resource booking  
  7. Monitor and improve – Monitor the efficacy of your resource scheduling system – are resource management KPIs like resource utilization, staff satisfaction, project successes – on track?

Remember – if you decide to start managing your resources through Runn, our customer success team can help you make the transition. Meaning successful resource management is even easier to achieve. 

Make resource booking a walk in the park. Runn brings visibility to your team's time and workload, helping you find the sweet spot between "time out" and "burnout". Try Runn for free today →

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