Our time tracking extension is coming soon to the Google Chrome web store! Find out about what's to come.
We’re thrilled to announce that our new Time Tracker Chrome extension is on its way!
We get it - filling in timesheets can suck. It can be boring, repetitive, time-consuming, and more often than not - it can be unreliable. However, we know that timesheets are an important part of project management and resource allocation, especially when it comes to tracking your plans against what happened in reality.
That’s why we’re introducing a time tracker Chrome extension built specially for Runn.
Finally, you can fill in your Runn timesheets from anywhere in your browser 😮 Say goodbye to guesstimating how much time you spent on your projects last week, and instead say ahoy to accurate and automatic time entries.
Here’s a sneak peek at what’s coming…
Each day, the assignments from the Planner in Runn will appear in your time tracker. Here, you’ll see how much time you’ve been scheduled and what role you’ve been assigned to work on a project.
You’ll also be able to look at past assignments and log time entries for past assignments or add a new project if you happen to do work on something you weren’t scheduled for.
Entering your timesheets can be done in two very simple steps:
And you’re done!
You can add project notes if you wish, and you and your team’s tracked time will automatically sync with your timesheets in Runn. How slick is that?
No more having to pay for two separate business softwares! Our time tracker extension has been purpose-built for Runn so that your projects, assignments and actuals data seamlessly sync between the Planner, timesheets, reports and time tracker.
Runn resource planning + Runn time tracking = 😍
Our time tracker will be available for download from the Chrome web store soon, so watch this space for further announcements!
If you'd be keen to test out our beta version, let us know at help@runn.io or our in-app chat, and we'll add you to our beta team :)
If you haven’t tried out Runn before, how about giving our 14-day free trial a go?